About Us
Hi I’m Anna, owner of Hunter’s Moon Trading Co, our mission here is to create all natural and safe self care products to nurture the soul and aid in mental & physical well being. Now you might be thinking “Well how did you get there?” and I’ll explain shortly. First we need to go back a smidge further, my first crystal.

One summer as a young adult, maybe 13, my family took a trip to the beach for a festival. As most of you know festivals usually have vendors and there is always someone selling jewelry, well this one was no different. During our days events I found a beautiful Rose Quartz necklace and my 13 years old self just had to have it so my step father purchased it for me. It was a simple heart on a hemp cord strand. Nothing special but it made me feel warm and safe and loved.
Fast forward to quite a few years later, I was 24 and I had just had my beautiful daughter, with all the emotions and craziness of becoming a new mom brings I simply couldn’t stop thinking about that little old necklace, long lost at this point I might add, but I knew my soul was calling out for something so it was then I began to create. I purchased my first strings of beads really just with the intention to make myself some bands and I found I loved making bracelets, and then I thought to myself “Why not matching earrings and maybe even a necklace!” My ideas simply grew from there. I wanted to make something that made me feel like I did wearing that first Rose Quartz necklace and I wanted others to feel that same connection.
If you’ve been with me this far you’ll know where we started but I’ll remind you just in case. We started as Orriginal Designs, a simple jewelry company, and for 2 years that was wonderful until I had a dream, and yes I mean a literal dream. I dreamt my daughter and I were getting out of the car and going into a building and in the back of the building was my step father. He was making jewelry and all around him was jars and bottles of different things and he simply smiled and said “Ya better get to work”. It was then that I realized I wanted more. I wanted to make more than just jewelry, I wanted to create items to nourish the soul and make you feel just as warm and loved as I did.
So with the help of my wonderful husband, Jeremy, we created something new together. We have incorporated organic herbs, high quality crystals and therapeutic grade essential oils into everything we could to give you a truly wonderful experience and to bring your mental and physical well being to the top of your to do list. We want you to remember to speak only love and light into your souls, now I’m not saying I’m perfect because I definitely have my days where I doubt myself but I’m getting there and I want you to get there with me.
Slip on your beaded band, light your candle, sip your herbal tea and repeat after me “I am powerful. I am capable. I am strong.” Let’s go on this journey of self care together.