Rhodochrosite is a beautifully attractive stone that comes in a variety of pink-red hues. It is the national gemstone of Argentina and the state gemstone of Colorado. This beautiful stone boosts passion and sex drive while expanding love and compassion. Rhodochrosite can help in expanding one's consciousness and can even give your creativity a lift. This beautiful stone stimulates your Heart chakra and is often associated with the planet Mars.
The oldest mine in Argentina that houses Rhodochrosite dates back to the 13th century Incas. This civilization believed that Rhodochrosite was the blood of their former kings and queens that had been turned to stone. This beautiful crystal can be found in mines in Argentina, South Africa, Peru, Romania, Russia and even the USA (Colorado)!
Rhodochrosite is also often considered to be an excellent self-love stone as it combats feelings of inadequacy with a "treat yourself" mentality of self-worth. This stone of empowerment helps you accept the love you deserve by filling you up with love for yourself. Pairs well with Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, and Garnet for passion and romance or pair with Rose Quartz, Amethyst and Pink Calcite for self-love and healing.